Friday, July 20, 2018

The Strange, Terrifying Land!

A land beyond the seven seas I visited today. And what a strange land it was!

A land where the people lived in complete cluelessness about who their friends were, who their enemies were, who their relations were, who their anything were.
How unsocial, I thought!

A land where people never remembered anything about past occurrences, and neither they ever made any plans for the future. Only the present provided the premises for any action.
How foolish, I thought!

A land where people never cared to own anything, or bothered to care about who might own a thing. People just took what they wanted.
What carelessness, I thought!

A land where having no codes of punishment, people had no fear. Disputes were resolved by clear and present might, then and there.
What lawlessness, I thought! 

A land where actions were governed not with thoughts of goodness or effect, but only in cognizance of the basic desire to do it, and ability and choice to face repercussions if any.
How immoral, I thought!

A land where people neither mourned or fear death, and nor did they dwell on the preciousness of life or birth.
How apathetic, I thought!

What a terrifying land it was!

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