Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I'm Orkutting these days.....

It has been some day since I last wrote, and now I write just for the sake of putting some stuff over my last post, which reads miserable now (honestly). Hope this does not end up like that.

The first thing I must put down today is that I came across this message in Orkut informing me of the founder of orkut.com, and how each action (scrapping, adding friend, viewing profile) etc that we do in Orkut gives him more $$!! Anyways, this guy is Orkut Buyukkokten from Stanford University. He created this social networking site - which probably later came to be endorsed by google. (I use 'probably' since I'm not sure how and where google came into the scene.) I'm already his fan (not literally in orkut though - you must be a friend to be a 'fan' there) and he is an icon for me. The link to his profile: http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=325082930226142255 (Of course - you must be signed in to orkut to view.)

Just out of interest, I made some searches on communities - and found a community of 'Gone With The Wind' there. Made a few posts about favourite scene and character. Also became a member of a "William Somerset Maugham" community. And two other communities too. Orkut has definitely caught me - for the time being at least.

All these using the time I should have been working on my office works. And all these too when my internet bandwidth should be wasted no more - judging from my last month's bill. But I'll never learn when it comes to myself, will I?


  1. Dont repent dude for preferring orkut over work, we all do that coz thts pure entertainment.

    thnx for d link on Orkut, the man behind all the wonders. it was really a good one.

  2. So my dear RAJU is a blogger now, but what all rubbish have you been writing, atleast in the starting blogs....sleep well, stop blabbering, write on meaning ful topics as you are doing now..

    Also, Orkut is a Google employee...Google encourages 20% of office time for creativity, and since orkut created the site when in office, Google took a stake in it, later that is when the two maliks of google n its CEO say business sense!!!!
