It is strange how life suddenly brings out new facts in front of your eyes. Facts about something happening right in front of you. But which you were not truly aware of. A new page suddenly discovered in your age-old book. Its awesome, its strange, its shaking. You stare at it, you wonder, and you watch the bits and pieces falling into places. Bits and pieces which were always there, but which did not fit, and as such, which your mind had knowingly or unknowingly pushed back in some remote corner of your consciousness.
I had been gifted such a new picture today. By providence. By sheer coincidence. And I am grateful that I have come to it. It made me feel a kind of remorse over some of my past behaviors. I had not been able to properly fathom the poignancy and value of certain things due to these missing information. But at least, I know now. And I'll make as much amends as I can.
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