Saturday, November 15, 2008

Never say - .......

Everyday I come across these lines often. But these actually makes no sense - at least that is what I feel. So, please, never say:

There is not enough time.
Because, the time is constant - it never decreases (or increases) - it is always there - 24 hours a day. Nobody is making the day shorter for you. It is not that you do not have enough time - it is that you want to spend the time in other things. And nobody actually ever 'wastes' time - whether one is watching TV or lazing or sleeping - he IS using the time. If you want to see TV badly, or sleep badly, you will reply 'I have no time' to an otherwise 'important' thing - meaning you do have time, but that other thing is of lesser priority that the thing you want to do with your time.
So everyone always have enough time. No matter what. And never say otherwise.

Because it happens that way.
Now, my friend, that is one of the dumbest things to say. 'It happens that way' just because someone is doing it that way - nothing else. If you do it the other way, it will start happening the other way. As simple as that. The moment the rationale of doing it the way 'it happens' is not clear - make something else happen. It always gets me pissed off when I hear someone justifying anything by this clause - that 'it happens that way'!

(To your employer) I'll do my best.
Please - the company is not paying you to 'do your best'. It has no interest whether you do your best or not, or what your best is. You can either do the thing, or not. If you think you can, say you will do it - else say you cant do it.

The blog had been ignored for quiet a long while. Exactly five months. Possibly one of the longest droughts. All blames go to my new project - which had been quiet like a circus for the last months. Well, at least after so many days, here is something for my good old blog!

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