Friday, September 01, 2023

Delightful thinkers and an almost poem

Listening to talks shows in YouTube with Yuval Noah Harari makes me think of such beautiful perceptors, who displayed such encompassing and wholesome visions and perspectives. In my extremely limited forays into listening or reading about such thoughts, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Sadhguru (I know there are controversies related to some of his sayings, but he does speak beautifully) and Harari comes across as such individuals. Also, a talk by Sir Roger Penrose I has physically attended long back (would be sometime between 2000 and 2005) comes to mind, where Penrose had stipulated that the next big thing in human breakthrough would come from perspectives we cannot even fathom by our present intellect and imagination, something well beyond all our science fictions or projections.

The thoughts from such aforementioned individuals are simply beautiful and delightful to experience.

They also make my mind wander to ideas we strive to grasp, about unknowns, about infinities. About cognizing and recognizing realities. Ancient Indian spiritual quests had forayed into these concepts of infinite and the opposite of infinite, using the terms Brahma and Shunya. Bow, if you must, only to infinity, or perhaps to the opposite of it.

In this context, let me put up a small something like a poem which I had jotted down back in December 2020 in paper, and which, unfortunately, I never could get to rhyme perfectly or have synchronized syllable counts. Nevertheless, here it is:

We drift, we fight,
We seek, we strive,
Only to be blown away
As specs of dust.

In our little holes,
We create the universe
As small as nothing
As large as infinity.

Colours we paint
Glimmers we shower
Darkness we create
To fight our own created evil, over and over.

Small is our world,
Our own creation, infinitesimal,
Yet we spend our lives
Trying to understand it all.

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