Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The first real blog.......

Hmm... so I write again. I haven’t yet given a proper try to this blog stuff.

To speak truthfully, today at this instant I'm actually in no mood to write. This is just a forceful attempt to keep blogging. To keep my blog active. Going on like this, I'm not really sure how long I'll be able to keep up with this!! Will this also be discarded in near future as just yet another of my attempts into having a go at something new?

Or shall I continue to write here?

I have had the habit of writing diaries from the childhood. Initially, I had maintained writing diaries in a methodical and in-a-way forceful manner, sometimes just for the heck of adhering to the tradition. It was only during occasional days that I wrote just because I really felt like it. And later (the more recent years), I did let go of the 'rules' which I had maintained earlier. Rules like always maintaining a continuity by filling up the missed dates with a narrative summary, however small that might be. Also, my diary writings in the former years were more like a chronology of the day's events. In the latter years, I had let go of such 'rules' and the entries now contained more about my opinions and feelings. It’s my instinct now, at the present, which entirely guides me to write when and how I please.

Now can this blog ever attempt to replace that diary writing habit? The main concern here is that this being public, I can’t really write in details about my feelings on the matters which are private in nature, about which I had lately been feeling the more zeal and desire to write about in my diaries. So I'll either have to let go writing about the stuff for which I now feel the most to write about, or I'll have to write in a more general way expressing only the opinions avoiding names and detailed narrative on the events.

Or should I make this private? I guess not. Because, I'll always welcome opinions, if I ever happen to get those, on the conclusions and opinions I might be expressing here in future, resulting from my day-to-day practical experiences. Maybe, I'll find other uses of this blog too. Maybe, some day I'll write something here and refer my friends to it, asking of their opinions, rather than discussing orally with everyone. I'm sure I express much better while I communicate through writing, than I do orally.

Lets see what happens.....the future is always uncertain (nevertheless, thank god for that... :D )......

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