Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Scribbles: 29th November, 2005

Sometimes I just feel to write. For no reasons whatsoever. Like now. I'm writing just because I suddenly felt to start typing some words. And exactly so I'm doing now, it seems. Literally typing just words - they make no sense, convey no message, or have any purpose. Useless, are they? Maybe.... maybe not. Doesn’t matter to me, at least not now. In fact, they are serving their purpose very well - letting me do what I wanted to do. In the process, probably providing my some satisfaction - though of what kind, or why, I know not. So I guess, they are not so much without purpose, are they?

Does everything have a purpose in this world? Does everything have to have a purpose? Yeeahh... I'm harping back on the abstract again. Anyways, I don’t know the answers - of course. I guess, nobody will ever know. Besides, you only rotate in a circle if you ever try to get answers to such questions, don’t you? Well, I do. So, I'll leave it at that. For now at least.

Exams ahead. And as usual, I've got LOADS to study. Everything left till the last moments. Now, if I don’t do those even at this last moment, well... I won’t be able get away, would I? I don’t think so. And there seems to be some pretty heavy stuff this semester. Or else I'm getting stupid. Either way, I have to put in more efforts now. So adieu, notepad. See you soon enough though!! ;)

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