Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Enigmas of Life: Once Again

A strange concoction. That is life. At least now, for me. Sometimes, engulfed in a swirling maze, you drift along. Knowing not why things are the way they are or why things be the way they be. One time you are so sure about something, the very next moment, a small incident changes everything and puts things in an entirely new perspective. How good is any state if such a very small thing can bring so radical a change? (Or do we attach too much weight on that 'revealing' small incident - which maybe is not that revealing after all?)

Things get happening around you. Things on which you have no control. Apparently no control - because, suddenly or maybe always at some corner of your mind, you realise that you do have complete control, but you know not why you don't feel the urge for it. What if, at this juncture, you are again faced with the odd question of why would one think of changing the flow at all?

You flow away, drifting, just going where it takes you. Sometimes, you have no real idea why you do certain things, except that its done that way, a justification which is obviously ridiculous to even a child of 6 years of age, but which seems good enough for you(!!). Worse, sometimes you just go on doing certain things, just because the thing gets done that way engulfing you, even when you feel in some distant corner of your alive mind that there is no logic in that, and that it should have been avoided in all rationale.

Shakespeare presented Hamlet with the dilemma 'to be or not to be'. That might sometimes seem simpler than when you know the answer to that question, but you keep wondering why you aren't following on that answer with acts.

You face life. You deal, you fight, you strive, you survive. But why?

Confusing, ain't it? You bet! Am I confused? Maybe, maybe not. Probably just that I'm going through a bad patch. That's all. (he..he..!)

And maybe I'll delete this post after some days, when, reading it through in some more stable and normal mood, I will find it ridiculous. Until then....

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